NFT Now: The Gold Standard Exhibition: Giving Shine to Asian-Americans in NFTs
SuperRare Magazine: #TheGoldStandard, a historic show for AAPI artists
Drue Kataoka and SuperRare partner to launch the first-ever Asian American artist NFT exhibit
TechCrunch: Artist Drue Kataoka will auction her first NFT, with all proceeds going to Asian American causes
Bloomberg: Cryptocurrency Millionaires Fuel a Boom in Digital Art Market
WORTH Magazine: How Technology Is Reshaping Art to Make Us Rethink Our World
San Francisco Chronicle on the Future of Art: Admiring art in the future could mean virtually stepping into a painting
quotes & highlights from SF Chronicle article
  Yahoo News! NextShark:  Artist Drue Kataoka Helps Crowdfund to Protect Asian Elders, Change Hate Crime Laws.   UPDATE:  This fundraiser has now raised over $90,000.    Click here to see article.
For The King Center’s MLK Holiday Commemorative Magazine, "Social Justice in America," Drue wrote an article entitled, "Waking up in the Midst of a Revolution: #AI, Culture & Racial Justice.”
TIME Magazine Editorial Co-authored by Drue Kataoka and Senator Tim Kaine (VA) Why Cutting the Budget for the Arts Undercuts Our Future
Op-Ed for Milken Institute Power of Ideas Magazine
Major Justin Lee Hosts Drue on The Professional's Playbook Podcast
COVER Almanac: Local Artist, Global Impact Drue Kataoka on helping humanity, hacking the senses and the VR revolution
Harvard Business Review Op-Ed: Educating For the Future
Gulf Today: Creativity Immune to Automation
REUTERS - Davos through an artist's lens
Wall Street Journal
WIRED Magazine - How Art Can Bridge the Digital Divide
FORBES: In A Parallel Universe, Women Gather For The Change They Want To See
LE MONDE: Les arts plastiques tentés par la réalité virtuelle
Local Artist, Global Impact - Drue Kataoka on helping humanity, hacking the senses and the VR revolution
World Economic Forum Agenda Blog
Op-Ed: TIME Magazine: How to Celebrate Every Woman Who’s Cracked the Glass Ceiling by Drue Kataoka
CNBC Op-Ed: What A Hillary Clinton Presidency Could Really Mean for Women
Deutsche Welle DW - Diamonds in the Forest
GOODALI - Mongolia's leading Fashion, Art Magazine - Interview and shoot at Choijin Temple
Barron's Penta Daily: Biofeedback Art
MSNBC Live from Geneva
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Space Station Artwork on Display in NYC
NFT Now: The Gold Standard Exhibition: Giving Shine to Asian-Americans in NFTs
NFT Now: The Gold Standard Exhibition: Giving Shine to Asian-Americans in NFTs

Click to read full article here. SuperRare, the leading 1 of 1 NFT platform, partnered with Drue Kataoka to announce the first ever exhibition dedicated to showcasing the work of Asian American artists. NFT Now sat down with Drue to talk about the exhibit entitled #TheGoldStandard which spotlights the vast contributions of Asian American artists in the digital art world.

SuperRare Magazine: #TheGoldStandard, a historic show for AAPI artists
SuperRare Magazine: #TheGoldStandard, a historic show for AAPI artists

Click to read full article here. Editorial by Drue Kataoka. “My goal: to spotlight the vast yet somehow invisible contributions of Asian American artists in the digital art world. We can find the roots of this invisibility in the severe under-representation of Asian Americans within the overall cultural landscape of America.”

Drue Kataoka and SuperRare partner to launch the first-ever Asian American artist NFT exhibit
Drue Kataoka and SuperRare partner to launch the first-ever Asian American artist NFT exhibit

Click to read full article here. NextShark interviewed Drue about #TheGoldStandard historic first of its kind exhibit featuring all Asian American artists on a major NFT platform.

TechCrunch: Artist Drue Kataoka will auction her first NFT, with all proceeds going to Asian American causes
TechCrunch: Artist Drue Kataoka will auction her first NFT, with all proceeds going to Asian American causes
Bloomberg: Cryptocurrency Millionaires Fuel a Boom in Digital Art Market
Bloomberg: Cryptocurrency Millionaires Fuel a Boom in Digital Art Market
WORTH Magazine: How Technology Is Reshaping Art to Make Us Rethink Our World
WORTH Magazine: How Technology Is Reshaping Art to Make Us Rethink Our World

Drue was interviewed by Worth’s Senior Editor, Emily Cegielski for a feature profile. Full article as one piece can be viewed here. Or on the Worth website here.

San Francisco Chronicle on the Future of Art: Admiring art in the future could mean virtually stepping into a painting
San Francisco Chronicle on the Future of Art: Admiring art in the future could mean virtually stepping into a painting

Drue was interviewed for this article by Molly Liu exploring the future of art and art in a post-pandemic world. Highlights and quotes to the right above. Full article here.

quotes & highlights from SF Chronicle article
quotes & highlights from SF Chronicle article

“The art 50 years from now will provide unmatched expression through the visual, aural, olfactory and haptic, encapsulated in compelling virtual-reality experiences for lovers of art, wherever they are located,” Kataoka said. “Developments in brain computer interfaces (BCI), bandwidth and AI will create a new syncretic form of art, generating lifelike experiences unlike anything we’ve seen. This art will challenge our brains to rethink everything in our world — from the laws of physics and causality to the fundamentals of human existence.”
Full article here.

  Yahoo News! NextShark:  Artist Drue Kataoka Helps Crowdfund to Protect Asian Elders, Change Hate Crime Laws.   UPDATE:  This fundraiser has now raised over $90,000.    Click here to see article.

Yahoo News! NextShark: Artist Drue Kataoka Helps Crowdfund to Protect Asian Elders, Change Hate Crime Laws. UPDATE: This fundraiser has now raised over $90,000. Click here to see article.

For The King Center’s MLK Holiday Commemorative Magazine, "Social Justice in America," Drue wrote an article entitled, "Waking up in the Midst of a Revolution: #AI, Culture & Racial Justice.”
For The King Center’s MLK Holiday Commemorative Magazine, "Social Justice in America," Drue wrote an article entitled, "Waking up in the Midst of a Revolution: #AI, Culture & Racial Justice.”

For #MLKDay 2021, Drue was honored to be invited by Dr. Bernice King to contribute to the The King Center’s MLK Holiday Commemorative Magazine, "Social Justice in America." Her article is entitled, "Waking up in the Midst of a Revolution: #AI, Culture & Racial Justice.” Read whole article here.

TIME Magazine Editorial Co-authored by Drue Kataoka and Senator Tim Kaine (VA) Why Cutting the Budget for the Arts Undercuts Our Future
TIME Magazine Editorial Co-authored by Drue Kataoka and Senator Tim Kaine (VA) Why Cutting the Budget for the Arts Undercuts Our Future

TIME Magazine Editorial Co-authored by Drue Kataoka and Senator Tim Kaine (VA) "Why Cutting the Budget for the Arts Undercuts Our Future" was our original title. Read the FULL ARTICLE in PDF form here.

Op-Ed for Milken Institute Power of Ideas Magazine
Op-Ed for Milken Institute Power of Ideas Magazine

Investing for Immortality. Full article can be read here. Or here.

Major Justin Lee Hosts Drue on The Professional's Playbook Podcast
Major Justin Lee Hosts Drue on The Professional's Playbook Podcast

Major Justin Lee hosts the Professional's Playbook, a podcast focused on high performance for military personnel and hardcore business people.  Recent guests have included: our nation's top decorated fighter pilots, 'Nasty' Staggs (the premiere Joint Terminal Attack Controller for the US Air Force), The FBI's Lead International Kidnapping Negotiator, Navy SEAL instructors and Space Shuttle Commanders.  This is the first episode on art :) In this podcast I talk with Major Lee about how art can be a catalyst for creativity in other professions, how creativity is like a muscle that you have to train, and the future of art in virtual and augmented reality. Listen here.

COVER Almanac: Local Artist, Global Impact Drue Kataoka on helping humanity, hacking the senses and the VR revolution
COVER Almanac: Local Artist, Global Impact Drue Kataoka on helping humanity, hacking the senses and the VR revolution
Harvard Business Review Op-Ed: Educating For the Future
Harvard Business Review Op-Ed: Educating For the Future

This Op-Ed by Drue was published in Harvard Business Review in Arabic.   The original English translation can be found here on Medium.   The HBR Arabic is here.

Gulf Today: Creativity Immune to Automation
Gulf Today: Creativity Immune to Automation

The Crown Prince Court of Abu Dhabi invited Drue to do two presentations at the Qudwa summit in Abu Dhabi.  Here is some of the coverage that gives a glimpse into what she spoke about.

REUTERS - Davos through an artist's lens
REUTERS - Davos through an artist's lens

Video interview by Reuters in Davos with Drue Kataoka at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting.  Talking about her work at the intersection of art and social impact.   Watch here

Drue Kataoka Studios at the Annual Meeting in Davos, in a segment by Reuters

REUTERS reports Drue Kataoka Studios at the Annual Meeting in Davos, in a segment by Reuters talking about the Touch Our Future project

'Touch Our Future' Art Raising Awareness for Infant Mortality

VIDEO: The Wall Street Journal reported on how “Touch Our Future” digital tapestry drew the attention & participation of dozens of Nobel Laureates and heads of state to the critical issue of helping reduce infant mortality.

Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal
WIRED Magazine - How Art Can Bridge the Digital Divide
WIRED Magazine - How Art Can Bridge the Digital Divide
FORBES: In A Parallel Universe, Women Gather For The Change They Want To See
FORBES: In A Parallel Universe, Women Gather For The Change They Want To See

Article today in Forbes about my upcoming virtual gathering of women leaders and VR art unveiling on January 26th.  Please join us.
"VR obliterates the current time and space you inhabit. It is like jumping into a magical pool that surrounds you, transports you and overwhelms your visual sense."

LE MONDE: Les arts plastiques tentés par la réalité virtuelle
LE MONDE: Les arts plastiques tentés par la réalité virtuelle

A generation of artists seizes on the new digital tools to paint without canvas or sculpt in the air.  Read FULL English PDF Translation here.

Une génération d’artistes se saisit des nouveaux outils numériques permettant de peindre sans toile, de graffer sans mur ou de sculpter dans l’air.  Link here.

Local Artist, Global Impact - Drue Kataoka on helping humanity, hacking the senses and the VR revolution
Local Artist, Global Impact - Drue Kataoka on helping humanity, hacking the senses and the VR revolution

"Local Artist, Global Impact - Drue Kataoka on helping humanity, hacking the senses and the VR revolution"

by Karla Kane for the Palo Alto Weekly.   Read FULL ARTICLE in PDF form here.

World Economic Forum Agenda Blog
World Economic Forum Agenda Blog

#LoveLikeJo: Why we must create a legacy worthy of Jo Cox.   Read it here.

Op-Ed: TIME Magazine: How to Celebrate Every Woman Who’s Cracked the Glass Ceiling by Drue Kataoka
Op-Ed: TIME Magazine: How to Celebrate Every Woman Who’s Cracked the Glass Ceiling by Drue Kataoka
US Weekly segment on "Now Is The Time"
CNBC Op-Ed: What A Hillary Clinton Presidency Could Really Mean for Women
CNBC Op-Ed: What A Hillary Clinton Presidency Could Really Mean for Women

CNBC Op-Ed: What A Hillary Clinton Presidency Could Really Mean for Women. Read full story here.

Deutsche Welle DW - Diamonds in the Forest
Deutsche Welle DW - Diamonds in the Forest
GOODALI - Mongolia's leading Fashion, Art Magazine - Interview and shoot at Choijin Temple
GOODALI - Mongolia's leading Fashion, Art Magazine - Interview and shoot at Choijin Temple

GOODALI - Mongolia's leading Fashion, Art Magazine - Interview about my art & shoot at historic Choijin Temple (Чойжин ламын сүм) in Ulaanbaatar

Barron's Penta Daily: Biofeedback Art
Barron's Penta Daily: Biofeedback Art
MSNBC Live from Geneva
MSNBC Live from Geneva
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Space Station Artwork on Display in NYC
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Space Station Artwork on Display in NYC

Scientific American article on my artwork for the first zero gravity art exhibit in space at the International Space Station.  More on that artwork here.